Thursday, November 28, 2019

Recent Poetry, November 2019

St. Seraphim and the Bear

The bear looked in on Seraphim,
“Unusual” he’d say of him.

When Seraphim woke up at last,
The bear, he chose to eat him fast.

Because when Seraphim awoke,
He was like any other bloke.


I went to the woods
And came back with my cupped hands,
Full of cake,
A bouquet of flowers,
Or even grasses.
Only when I came back,
Was it any good.


Samsara is a joke.
Nirvana is
Getting it, and laughing.


Compassion doesn’t draw
A crowd, not like
Self-interest and hatred.
Like anything that sets a
Boundary between me, you,
And enemy, or God.  And puts “them”
“Over there.”
Self-interest and hatred
Last forever.
Compassion’s secret is that it is


Love is a word.
That stands for the secret of the universe.
That moves the Sun and other Stars.
Like Dante said,
Though in Medieval Italy,
He said “amore.”
So it’s the secret of the universe,
That no one can speak of.

Jesus and Buddha

The Buddha, now, he was a king,
The working class was Jesus’ thing.
From each of them religion arose,
Though neither of them wanted those.
Though Jesus’ sacrifice was neat,
The Buddha ate some poisoned meat.
And lived a long life, doing good,
He sanctified the neighborhood.
It would take a thousand years,
Or more, the bodhisattva then appears.


It takes someone as sophisticated
As me to
The beauty he points to,
Just by swimming along.
Just doing what he does.
He doesn’t even know.
He doesn’t need to.


Maybe the black bird
Will walk along the lookout railing.
Maybe that lady will bring him food.
Maybe the sun will shine through
The thick greenery.
Maybe you’ll be grateful for it too.
Maybe the ducks will quack.
Maybe they will leave a trail in the water.
Maybe you’ll offer an embarrassed
Thank you.
Maybe the light on the water
Will be as beautiful as it is.
Maybe revealing the beauty all around.

Profound Truth

Getting things wrong,
Is as good as,
Getting things right.

This is an
Ancient teaching.


How do I take, the
Next step?

A good koan for
All of life.

Or the next step.

Whichever comes first.

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